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Showing posts from June, 2012

Low cost slitter - the rejected advert!

I start this blog post with the caveat that this really is my personal blog, so nothing in this post represents the views of my employers!  I have been putting a lot of thought into how to write and design exciting adverts for our new low cost slitter without following the industry standard of either: Showing a photo of a beige machine with a list of stats Showing a  tenuously linked 'concept' stock image What came of this 'left field' brainstorming is the advert you see below.  There are several problems with this advert, none of which I'm going to list here, but I still think it's quite fun.  We're not going to be using this advert anywhere, so it really was just a thought piece, but if we don't shoot from the hip with new ideas then stagnation is inevitable. I've never put out an advert that I'm not entirely happy with, but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop searching for a better idea!

How to turn a heavy roll as easily as putting the kettle on.

Roll Handling is a subject that naturally rises to the surface quite often at Universal Converting Equipment , this comes as no surprise as the majority of the equipment we manufacture is designed for processing rolls, and those rolls have to safely get to our machines before they can be processed. One of the issues we've noticed with a lot of third party roll handling trolleys on the market is that they don't appear to be very well set up for unloading a roll at a different angle to how it was loaded.  To clarify I'm going to give you a very simple scenario:  You buy in your jumbo rolls on pallets, they arrive on said pallets neatly standing on end.  Your slitter runs rolls horizontally, and so you need a way of getting the rolls off the pallet and onto the slitter unwind shaft without your spine exploding, and you've probably guessed by now that we have the answer to this potentially dangerous problem... If this blog was a shopping channel now would be the point...

Core Cutter demo video

Core Cutters have been at the forefront of my mind over the last few days, mostly because we have been working with our video team on a new demonstration video for our Automatic Core Cutter . You can view our rather smart new video below, and you can find out more about Automatic Core Cutters (and of course buy one) by contact me directly or by visiting P.S I'm taking bookings for Core Cutter demos down here in Ipswich at the moment, so get in touch if you want to come and have a go on one of our demonstration machines!