I start this blog post with the caveat that this really is my personal blog, so nothing in this post represents the views of my employers! I have been putting a lot of thought into how to write and design exciting adverts for our new low cost slitter without following the industry standard of either:
- Showing a photo of a beige machine with a list of stats
- Showing a tenuously linked 'concept' stock image
What came of this 'left field' brainstorming is the advert you see below. There are several problems with this advert, none of which I'm going to list here, but I still think it's quite fun. We're not going to be using this advert anywhere, so it really was just a thought piece, but if we don't shoot from the hip with new ideas then stagnation is inevitable.
I've never put out an advert that I'm not entirely happy with, but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop searching for a better idea!
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