Trim / waste disposal is a subject that is integral to efficient winding, but conceptually it can be a bit difficult to explain to customers who aren't familiar with managing waste. A lot of companies go to great lengths to try and minimise the amount of waste they generate, which makes sense as far as economics and environmental awareness, but sometimes waste cannot be avoided.
The video below shows a trim winder that was a part of a large slitter we recently built for a regular customer of ours. This slitter rewinder was designed to convert large rolls of metallized polyester, which is supplied on rolls that are not coated the full width of the web, so a trim needs to be cut off during the winding / slitting process. Some customers wind trim waste material onto cores on the rewind shafts, and some let narrow trims fall to the floor, but while both options are workable both can be problematic for operators and potentially damaging to materials.
Trim winders like the ones shown in the video below help maintain tension in the cutting zone (where problems can develop due to the uncoated or thinner edge of the web). Some trim winders oscillate (move backwards and forwards) to ensure that the maximum amount of waste trim can be wound onto a relatively small core / roll.
Trim removal systems can be added to third party slitters (and other winding, coating or laminating machines), however, due to the sometimes complex commissioning process we currently only offer trim removal upgrades within Europe.
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