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Auto-trim on Core Cutters and why you want it.

When you get right down to the gritty details of cardboard cores you'll find that no two core suppliers are quite the same, and when bought in bulk no two parent / master cores are quite the same length.  As your freshly purchased cores come off the transport and into your life you'll find the lengths in the batch are very similar, but they are infrequently all exactly the same size.

The variations in core lengths will often be very small, but when you're as focussed on minimising waste when cutting cores as you are focussed on cutting accurate core lengths then knowing exactly how long your parent cores are is crucial.  You could have your operator measure every core as it comes off the pallet, but that would be time consuming, and with the best will in the world it would probably also be inaccurate.

Core cutter auto-trim
Our CCA Automatic Core Cutters solves the problem of irregular sized parent cores by having a switch-able 'auto-trim' function.  After the operator has entered their core requirements on the touchscreen and loaded the core into the machine the software measures the parent core, calculates how many cores can be cut and then automatically cuts the required amount of trim off the trailing end of the core (the last bit that is pulled into the Core Cutter).  This solves the problem that some Core Cutters have of not being able to cut small cores from the part of the core that is gripped by the chuck within the device.

Where the auto-trim function is used waste is greatly reduced and the time it takes to process a parent core is also minimised.


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