We have started using the phrase ‘the future of slitting’ in some of our promotional material, and with the recent technical advances we have made with the X6 I think this is a fair boast. I can clearly remember the start of the development process of the Universal X6.
The concept for the X6 wasn’t just revolutionary at a mechanical and controls level. It was startlingly logical from a practical perspective. I’m sales and marketing person, not an engineer. I have never had a job as a machine operator. Yet I can walk up to a X6 and run a slitting job through it without any problems at all. The X6 is ‘plug and play’.
The Universal X6 was developed from the same starting point as all Universal machines. The priorities being productivity, ease of use and reliability. For as long as I have worked with Universal there has been an obsessive attitude to customer support.
As the X6 developed from concept to product the ability to further improve support was woven into the very fabric of the machine. Extensive on-screen diagnostics and remote management are understandably popular with customers and machine operators alike. Before long Universal made public something that our customers have known for years - Universal offer free lifetime support on every X6 sold.
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